SoupDay Limited
Part Time Server (Shisha lounge)
This week
Job Duty
SipSip Bar is a vibrant establishment that you can explore further on our Instagram page: @sipsiphk ( SipSip Bar係一間充滿活力嘅地方,你可以喺我哋嘅Instagram專頁:@sipsiphk ([ ↗]( 進一步探索。 Why choose us? We provide excellent career opportunities for individuals seeking growth in the bar and hospitality industry, specializing in cocktails and shisha. Moreover, we strive to cultivate a delightful and relaxed atmosphere where you can enjoy working with a sense of joy. 點解揀我哋? 我哋為追求在酒吧及餐飲業發展嘅人士提供卓越嘅職業機會,專攻雞尾酒及水煙。而且,我哋努力營造一個愉快而輕鬆嘅氛圍,讓你可以享受工作樂趣。 What will be your role? We are seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic individual to join our team, assisting in managing our bar floor and maintaining a high standard of service. Additionally, you will be responsible for ensuring that our venue maintains a clean and inviting environment. Together, we will work towards driving our sales, and you will always have our support and camaraderie along the way, my friend. 你嘅角色會係乜嘢? 我哋尋找一個充滿活力同熱情嘅人加入我哋嘅團隊,協助管理酒吧區域同維持高水平嘅服務質素。另外,你亦會負責確保場地保持清潔而吸引人,同埋努力推動銷售。 please find Anthony Fung (+51222456) for more job details and we are looking forward to meet you in person. 請聯絡Anthony Fung (+51222456) 獲取更多工作詳情,我哋期待同你親自見面。
Allowance & Benefit
Free Meal
Work Address
25/F, Morecrown Commercial Building, 108 Electric Road, Tin Hau
Fri, Sat
21:00 - 02:00 (+1)
HKDSE / Equivalent
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
SoupDay is a Chinese Soup Company founded in 2018 by our passionate founder, Eric Fung. We specialize in creating delicious double-boiled soup recipes that have captured the hearts and appetites of many. Over the years, we have expanded our offerings and now manage six virtual brands, including SipSip, Dim Chill, Fuhn To Go, and Congee Day, to cater to a diverse range of customers.