B'IN Select
B'IN Select ( Lifestyle Select Store) (STAR FERRY PIER) - 兼職店面銷售助理
A week ago
Job Duty
我們在尖沙咀天星碼頭將會有一間新店。 現正聘請兼職店面銷售助理,不論你是誰,只要你喜愛設計師品牌,具有時尚品味,喜愛與人溝通,具有良好溝通技巧,就已經符合資格了!歡迎加入B'IN 團隊。 職責 -日常店面運作,庫存處理以及庫存補充 -處理客戶的查詢,並提供卓越的客戶服務體驗 -協助店鋪陳列,保持店鋪形象和外觀 -跟品牌及設計師溝通和聯絡 -協助店鋪營銷及推廣工作 要求 -以客戶為導向,具有開朗的性格及良好溝通技巧 -需要輪班工作 FB: www.facebook.com/b.inselect WEB: www.binselect.com.hk B'IN Select – “Design is the most powerful forces in our lives, can be empowering and inspiring” We believe design is not just an expression of beauty, but a way to experience life, and the best way to experience design is through products and making products. We select the best accessories, bags, home décor and lifestyle goodies, from every corner of the world. Apart from the rare international brands in our shop, we also set up a platform for quality Hong Kong local designers to showcase their designs. Design deserves a better stage. Little by little, we trust that good design can change our lives, if we just Believe in it.
Allowance & Benefit
Work Address
Star Ferry Pier, Tsim Sha Tsui
Day Negotiable
12:00 - 21:00
Higher Diploma / Certificate
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
B’IN Select – “Design is the most powerful forces in our lives, can be empowering and inspiring” We believe design is not just an expression of beauty, but a way to experience life, and the best way to experience design is through products and making products. We select the best accessories, bags, home décor and lifestyle goodies, from every corner of the world. Apart from the rare international brands in our shop, we also set up a platform for quality Hong Kong local designers to showcase their designs. Design deserves a better stage. Little by little, we trust that good design can change our lives, if we just Believe in it. Website: www.binselect.com.hk