Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學
高級技術員 (維修及保養) (23240289)
This week
Job Duty
物 業 處 屋宇裝備及系統部 高級技術員 (維修及保養) (23240289) 職責: 負責香港浸會大學校園及大學其他建築物的中央空調系統、水電、消防系統、油漆、門鎖及其他有關屋宇裝備維修及保養事宜,並於需要時進行緊急搶修; 督導承辦商安全施工及安排例行維修及保養工作; 在主任指導下,負責簡單物流紀錄; 協助主任完成項目工程的跟進、測試和驗收機電裝置;及 須輪班當值及穿著制服。 職位要求: 具有關認可專業訓練、職業訓練局技工證書或同等學歷; 六至八年或以上冷氣/電力/水喉/油漆/門鎖維修及保養的實務工作經驗,包括水泵/消防; 持有有效平安咭; 持香港特別行政區機電工程署簽發之電業工程人員註冊證明書,其准許級別需為A級或以上,如有中央空調系統保養、維修及監控操作經驗者可獲優先考慮; 熟悉樓宇的機電裝置及管理電腦系統操作; 積極、守時和主動;及 略懂普通話及英語者更佳。 條件: 首合約期為兩年,約滿後,經雙方同意及校方撥款情況許可下,可考慮繼續聘任。 福利: 有薪年假十四天 約滿酬金 團體醫療福利 牙科保健 在職培訓 晉升機會 薪酬將按資歷及有關工作經驗而定。 申請辦法: 透過香港浸會大學網上求職系統遞交申請;或 經下述途徑索取申請表: https://hro.hkbu.edu.hk/content/ito/en/_jcr_content.ssocheck.json?pathPdf=/content/dam/hro-assets/explore-hkbu/employment-opportunities/employment-application-form/hro-rct-f302.pdf 請將已填妥之申請表包括職位編號︰ 電郵至[email protected];或 郵寄至人力資源處。 人力資源處地址︰九龍塘浸會大學道15號教學及行政大樓9樓AAB903室 如遞交申請後8星期內未獲面試通知則作落選論。申請人可瀏覽https://hro.hkbu.edu.hk/en/worklife-at-hkbu/employee-favourable-environment.html#privacy-policy 參閱大學之「收集個人資料」聲明。大學保留取消招聘以上職位的權利,而聘用條款會按聘用時之情況而定。 甄選程序將一直進行直至有合適人選為止。
Allowance & Benefit
Work Address
Hong Kong, Kowloon Tsai, Baptist University Rd, 3號, Kowloon Tong Fire Station Cum Ambulance Depot, AAB 1307, 13/F, Academic and Administration Building
Mon to Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Rotation required, Alternate Saturday work is required
ERB or other Training Certificate
Certs & Licenses:
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
Founded in 1956, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) aims to be a leading research-led liberal arts University in Asia for the world delivering academic excellence in a caring, creative, and global culture. HKBU has a student population of around 11,000 and a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes up to the doctoral level. Currently, the University has an academic and teaching staff strength of about 1,000. Beyond Hong Kong, HKBU runs a unique liberal arts college, the United International College, with Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai as well as research centres in other parts of China. Energised by its 10-year Institutional Strategic Plan (ISP) and with an ambitious Talent100 recruitment initiative fully under way, HKBU is poised to transform itself from an institution with an established regional presence into one with an international reputation for excellence. As part of the ISP, the University is rapidly expanding its world-class infrastructure to providing an outstanding environment for learning and research.