Software Development & Computer Engineering Intern
A week ago
Job Duty
Prozparity Energy is committed to Energy product R&D, solar PV installation, STEAM/ESG training. Our ambition is to bridge the deployment of clean energy across Asia-Europe in order to achieve clean power generation, energy- saving & management, smart energy system & connection, with a goal to achieve sustainability. At Prozparity, we aim at contributing to a better community by enhancing people’s living standard through distributed energy, international infrastructural development and partnership. Prozparity target to engage in renewable energy and modern agriculture, which are the most concerned issues of sustainable development in contemporary society, to the next generation through education, cultivate a good social consciousness, and arouse them to pay more attention to social and environmental issues. https://prozparity.com/ | https://prozparity.com/APP We develop renewable energy related application/products, and also we run STEAM/ESG training for schools/corporate with focus on renewable energy and modern agriculture. We are looking for proactive and passionate candidate who has relevant skills in engineering/tech/I&T to help facilitate this meaning work to its fruition, details of the position are shown below: Software Development & Computer Engineering Intern Duties: ● Write IoT applications for hardware products, including API serial data collection and analysis ● Develop/update independent APPs, mini-APP etc., UI/UX or back-end ● Website and e-commerce store function development and updates ● Perform software quality assurance and testing, and update existing software functionality as needed ● Perform user experience and market research across product lifecycle ● Support course design and teaching material planning for STEM/ESG training ● Perform above duties according to project budget and timeline and provide other necessary assistances to teams when required Qualification and Experiences: ● Studying or recent graduate of degree or above related to Computer engineering, software programming & information system engineering, etc ● With certain experience in software engineering, programming tools, APP operation & maintenance ● Familiarity with programming software/tools such as Flutter, Python, AWS, WordPress, etc. is preferred ● Participated in the entire process of IoT product R&D, including API docking, would be an advantage Desired Personal Abilities: ● Able to plan and think independently ● Able to adjust oneself to current project situation and style of work ● Proactively make suggestions to assist various working groups ● Can work with positive mindset under time-pressure and deliver decent results before deadlines ● Correctly interpret others’ messages and ask proper questions for clarification
Allowance & Benefit
Work Address
Mon to Fri
09:00 - 18:00
Tertiary Education
Chinese Word Processing
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
源興邦致力於開發香港太陽能發電工程項目、再生能源產品研發、STEAM/ESG教育培訓,目標聯繫及服務歐亞能源科技及開發,達致「產之為潔能,用之為節能,聯之為智能」的可持續發展理念。通過分佈式能源,源興邦國際努力推動國際基礎設施發展和夥伴關係,從而提高人們生活水平,為優質社區作出貢獻。 源興邦希望通過教育將可再生能源和現代農業,這兩個當代社會可持續發展最關切的議題與認知傳遞給下一代,培養良好的社會意識,喚起他們對社會和環境問題更多的關注。