Konica Minolta
兼職接待員 Part Time Receptionist
3 Vacancies
8.5 hrs/day
1 day/wk
A month ago
Job Duty
兼職接待員 Part-Time Receptionist <歡迎學生兼職> 星期一至星期五: 時薪HKD70 地點: *尖沙咀/新蒲崗/觀塘/鰂魚涌/北角/金鐘/中環* 上班時間: 8:30 -18:00 工作範圍: 一般接待工作,接聽電話,回覆客戶查詢 協助辦公室日常運作,處理文書工作 要求: DSE學歷或以上 具1年接待員或客戶服務經驗優先 良好粵語/普通話/英語溝通能力 熟練使用MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 能即時上班優先 有意申請者,歡迎 WhatsApp 招聘熱線 61860510
Allowance & Benefit
Work Address (13)
Central, Island East, Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong, Wan Chai / Causeway Bay, Yau Tsim Mong
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Mon to Sat
08:30 - 18:00
HKDSE / Equivalent
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
Konica Minolta Business Solutions (HK) Ltd. is a Japanese technology company, leading in providing a variety of technology-driven business solutions ranging from integrated print and enterprise content management, IT services and service robots solutions. We are committed to help companies make the promise of digital transformation a reality, improve time to information, support mobility, and optimize business processes with workflow automation and professional services. We also partner with our customers to give shape to ideas, and work to bring value to our society. Konica Minolta is proud to be recognized as the No.1 Brand for Customer Loyalty in the MFP Office Copier Market by Brand Keys for 11 consecutive years and Konica Minolta, Inc. has been named to the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index for seven years in a row. Konica Minolta Business Solutions (HK) Ltd. is a subsidiary of Konica Minolta Inc., which is the core business unit under the Konica Minolta Group. (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 4902).