Hungry Tiger Hidden Dragon Restaurant & Bar
Server/ Senior Server 侍應/ 高級侍應
A week ago
Job Duty
Job Description 職責: - Provide customers with high-quality food & beverage service, such as table arrangement, taking orders, serving the food to our guests, cleaning up and dining area cleaning 提供優質及專業的餐飲服務予顧客,例如:座位安排、點菜落單、送菜執枱、樓面清潔 - Handle guest bookings and enquiries in a professional manner 處理客人訂座或查詢 - To prepare and set tables and waiter stations in accordance with the standard provided 跟從指引準備餐桌擺位及工作區域 - Introduce the food or signature dishes to the customers 向客人介紹食物及推薦菜式 - To support, encourage and assist junior servers 協助初級侍應 - Maintain smooth and efficient daily operations in the restaurant area 確保餐廳樓面運作流暢 - Ensure customer service is a consistently high standard and maximize customer satisfaction 保持高水準服務質素並確保顧客滿意度 - Maintain a clean, sanitary, and safe work area 維持工作環境整潔衛生 - Any other related duties or responsibilities assigned 執行其他分配的相關職責和任務 Requirement 要求: - Minimum 2-3 years F&B experience in a restaurant or bar 具有2-3年餐廳或酒吧相關工作經驗 - Customer-oriented with strong communication and interpersonal skills 樂於與客人溝通,良好的人際關係和溝通技巧 - Good command of spoken and written English, Cantonese and Mandarin 流利英語、粵語聽說讀寫能力及良好普通話 - Outgoing, energetic, responsible and a team player 主動積極、有責任感、有團隊精神 Benefit Package 員工福利: - 6 Days Off Per Month 每月6日例假 - 8 -12 Annual Leave 8-12天年假 - Tips / Discretionary Bonus 餐廳貼士/ 酌情花紅 - Duty Meal 員工膳食 - Career Advancement 良好晉升機會 - On Job Training 在職培訓
Allowance & Benefit
Work Address
Kai Tak
Day Negotiable
10:00 - 22:00
HKDSE / Equivalent
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
Not available