KFC全職廚務員 (高薪聘請有經驗人士)- 元朗、天水圍
This week
Job Duty
職責: 負責處理、監控及製作廚房內產品 職位要求: 學歷、工作經驗不拘 良好工作態度,主動積極,有責任心 月薪可達每月$17,000 工作地點:元朗、天水圍 工作時間: 每天工作9小時,每週工作6天 (輪班,輪休) 我們為你提供多項福利: - 超時工作津貼 - 有薪年假 - 婚假 - 恩恤假 - 侍產假 - 醫療福利 - 完善在職培訓 - 良好晉升機會 - 供膳食 - 集團員工康樂活動 - 集團折扣優惠 有意應徵者請將個人履歷表及要求待遇,透過以下途徑申請: - WhatsApp:5508-3187 - 即時網上申請:請按"Apply Now" 申請人資料將以保密形式處理及只作招聘用途 即刻Follow我地,留意最新職位動向! Facebook:KFC, Pizza Hut & PHD 招聘大本營 Instagram:jrghk.recruitment
Allowance & Benefit
我們為你提供多項福利: - 超時工作津貼 - 有薪年假 - 婚假 - 恩恤假 - 侍產假 - 醫療福利 - 完善在職培訓 - 良好晉升機會 - 供膳食 - 集團員工康樂活動 - 集團折扣優惠
Work Address (6)
Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long
Show all
Day Negotiable
06:00 - 23:00
Rotation required
Form 3
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
Jardine Restaurant Group (JRG) was first established to bring the internationally loved Pizza Hut brand to Asia. Expansion followed with the pizza spin-off PHD and the iconic KFC brand. Our passion, agility and innovation have helped us successfully broaden our portfolio and geographical footprint. Headquartered in Hong Kong and a member of the Jardine Matheson Group, JRG is one of Asia’s leading restaurant groups today, operating over 940 outlets and employing more than 27,000 employees in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Vietnam and Myanmar. We are proud of where we are and are excited about our new opportunities ahead. BIRDLAND (HONG KONG) LIMITED is a member of Jardine Restaurant Group Hong Kong, which operates the Pizza Hut, PHD and KFC franchise in Hong Kong and Macau with combined store footprint of over 200 stores and more than 9,000 employees.