Montaigne Hong Kong Limited (Lacoste)
全職 (資深)售貨員 (Senior) Sales Associate
4 Vacancies
5 days/wk
3 months ago
Job Duty
職責: - 負責門市銷售, 提供優質客戶服務 - 與同事合作達成銷售目標 - 與顧客建立有效的溝通渠道(如電話、微信等),及時分享產品資訊 入職條件: - 中五或以上程度,具2-3年或以上零售經驗 - 對工作充滿熱情,積極主動,並具備良好的顧客服務態度 - 流利廣東話,良好的英語和普通話能力 全職員工福利: - 每天工作8小時 & 1小時有薪用膳 - 每月休假8天 - 銷售及超額佣金 - 12-18天有薪年假 - 全薪病假、婚假等 - 酌情性表現花紅 - 員工購物優惠 - 完善醫療福利 (包括中西醫門診、住院及牙科) - 人壽保險 - 專業在職培訓 - 良好晉升機會 地點: - 旺角 - 朗豪坊 - 九龍塘 - 又一城 - 尖沙咀 - 海港城 & iSQUARE - 東涌 - 東薈城名店倉 - 銅鑼灣 - 崇光SOGO - 啟德 - 崇光SOGO 應徵者如獲選參加面試,會在申請後約一至兩星期內接獲通知。如有問題可WhatsApp +852 9145 0520查詢。(所有收集的資料絕對保密及只作招聘用途)
Allowance & Benefit
12天+有薪年假、員工購物優惠、醫療福利、良好晉升機會、完善在職培訓 *發放條件需符合公司相關要求,公司保留最終決定權
Work Address (7)
Kowloon City, Kowloon Tong, Tung Chung & Airport, Wan Chai / Causeway Bay, Yau Tsim Mong
Show all
Thu to Sun
10:00 - 21:00
Mon to Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Rotation required
Diploma / Certificate
Chinese Word Processing
Microsoft Excel
Spoken Skill
Written Skill
About Company
For LACOSTE, Life is a Beautiful Sport! Since the very first polo was created in 1933, LACOSTE relies on its authentic sportive roots to spring optimism and elegance on the world thanks to a unique and original lifestyle for women, men and children. With a vision to be the leading player in the premium casual wear market, the Crocodile brand is today present in 120 countries through a selective distribution network. Two LACOSTE items are sold every second in the world. As an international group gathering 10,000 women and men, LACOSTE offers a complete range of products: apparel, leather goods, fragrances, footwear, eyewear, home wear, watches and underwear, all of them being elaborated in the most qualitative, responsible and ethical way. In 2016, the brand garnered a turnover of more than 2 billion euros. For more information: